DCRCA Observes National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Although impaired driving fatalities have been on the decline in the District of Columbia, DCRCA wants to remind you that drunk driving still has real consequences for you, your families, and for others on the roads this holiday season.

If you need help, DCRCA’s recovery coaches are here to guide you toward sobriety.  If you’re not yet at that point, we implore you to take the steps necessary to be safe this holiday season.

  • Make a plan for a safe way home before you attend that office party or holiday event.
  • If you plan on drinking, designate a sober driver ahead of time and leave your keys at home.
  • Call a friend, call a taxi, arrange for an Uber or Lyft, or use a SoberRide service to get home.

Don’t be stubborn.  Don’t be stupid.  Let someone else get you home safely.  The consequences could land you in jail for 180 days on your first offense!

DC Area Smoking Cessation Programs

Today is the annual Great American Smoke Out!  You can quit smoking today if you want.  Look at all of these resources in the DC area.  We wish you luck on your continued journey to good health and wellness!

First-ever Recovery Gala a Success

The DC Recovery Community Alliance hosted its first-ever Recovery Gala on Friday, September 25, 2015 at the Ukranian Banquet Hall in Northeast Washington, DC.  Co-sponsored by Aquila Recovery, Inc., the gala was a celebration of the successes of the recovery community in Washington, from the men and women celebrating their recovery and sobriety, to the many volunteers preparing for the Unite to Face Addiction Rally, to the families and friends impacted by addiction, and to the supporters of the organization.  DCRCA is especially grateful to the donors who made the event a success, including Aquila Recovery, the DMP Group, and the many individual donors who gave.

The Serenity Shack: GW’s Safe Space for Recovery

GW Students for Recovery (SFR) is an on-campus support group and official George Washington University student organization for all students pursuing recovery from alcohol and substance addiction as well as recovery from self-harm, eating disorders, PTSD, and other addictions.  They do not promote any particular pathway to recovery and encourage members to pursue what works best for them. They have helped over 50 students in their 3-year existence and continue to partner with organizations both on and off campus.

A Productive Meeting at ONDCP

Last week, Executive Director Harvey Hartsfield and Recovery Coach Janice Ferebee (who is also a Field Organizer for UNITE to Face Addiction), had a productive meeting at the Office of National Drug Control Policy.  They met with Dalen Harris, Associate Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Public Liaison at ONDCP, and Emily Melnick, Graduate Intern, to discuss ONDCP’s support of DCRCA’s Recovery Month activities, along with UNITE to Face Addiction, the nation’s largest rally for recovery on the National Mall on October 4, 2015.


DC Recovery Community Alliance (DCRCA) provides sustained personal, organizational, and community wellness and recovery to the people of the District of Columbia through service, education and training, advocacy, and celebration.