Our Services

DCRCA provides support for people seeking wellness and recovery from the effects of substance use and/or mental health challenges in a safe and affirming environment. Individuals come together in their communities, receive one-to-one peer support, obtain information and life skills helpful to their individual path to wellness and recovery, and make a difference in the lives of others in recovery.
DCRCA is sensitive to the differences among ethnic, racial, and linguistic groups and has understanding and awareness of how people’s cultural backgrounds, beliefs, traditions, socioeconomic status, history, and other factors affect their needs and how they respond to services generally used to describe interventions or practices.
Nearly all of DCRCA’s recovery support services (RSS) providers are in long-term recovery. Our coaches are in continuous training to increase their knowledge base and share recovery life experiences and best practices.
Our services include:
Recovery support evaluation
Recovery support management
Recovery coaching/mentoring
Life skills support services
Education support services including individual and group education
Care coordination
Transportation Services
“Open” recovery meetings
Recovery social activities
Spiritual support services
Recent News
What’s new with the DC Recovery Community Alliance? Read More

DC Recovery Community Alliance (DCRCA) provides sustained personal, organizational, and community wellness and recovery to the people of the District of Columbia through service, education and training, advocacy, and celebration.